Parenting In A Pandemic – A Tally
We have spent years preparing for this.
I am not sure where to begin, but I know it is more than just one post!
So where do I start? I guess a tally might work…
ZERO – the number of fights we have had during the safer at home period
ZERO – the number of school assignments missed
ZERO – the number of times I had to tell my teenager that he wasn’t allowed to go out with friends
ONE – the number of times I had to explain why we are safer at home for it to make sense to both The Boy & The Brother
ONE – the number of cans of MONSTER I use each day as compensation for the fact that The Boy is not allowed to go out
ONE – the number of bottles of Lucosade Sport I use each day as compensation for the fact that The Brother is not allowed to go out
ONE – the number of COVID-19 tests the children have gone through
THREE – the number of COVID-19 tests The Parent has gone through
A MILLIONTY – the number of conversations about why we are still safer at home
A MILLIONTY – the number of conversations we have had about being a team and working together
A MILLIONTY – the number of conversations we have had about the fact that our choices and how they impact the other people in our germ pool
By The Parent
- 12, Jul, 2020